Read our latest Update
Feliz Navidad y próspero Año Nuevo!Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! I hope this letter finds you doing well. Joy to the world, for our Savior has come! This is reason enough to be grateful, hopeful, and full of faith for our future in Christ. I thank God for all of you because you are the vessels through which God’s grace is given to the children and staff at Casa de mi Padre. We could not extend His love in physical or spiritual ways without you. Your prayers and monthly financial support are so vital to the mission God has placed on our hearts for His children. By the time you receive this, the holidays will be completely upon us and maybe a little behind. And so, I want to breathe a prayer for all of us: In all the business and distraction of the holidays, Lord, help us remember that You are where our hearts belong. Life is your symphony, and we are Your epiphany, so give us clarity so that we may respond. Life is so complex, but God demands we keep it simple. So again, let us not forget, especially in this season, that it is to Him that our hearts belong. So, praise the Lord! We have life in our bodies, hope in our scars, and if we could count our blessings, they’d rival the stars, with Christ being the brightest by far! Our team and I recently returned from the children’s home, and what a pleasure it was to see all the children once again. There were a total of 11 members of our team on this Christmas trip. Freedom Church once again stepped up and provided Christmas gifts, and the team that was sent to give the gifts, serve the children, and love the community in which they live. Thank you again for being the “sent ones” for the cause of Christ! So yes, we came bearing gifts that were both practical and fun. The children celebrated their Christmas on Tuesday evening. It was such a good time, and they were so excited and grateful. A great big shout out to my wife Margie and her team here at home and on the trip that ran all the logistics of getting these specific gifts into the hands of the children they were intended for. And of course, the reward for us is to see all the smiling children. Also, I want to say a thank you to Phoenix Clincy and his group of friends who provided 30+ fitted sheets and pillows for the kids. On Wednesday morning, we had a partial work day and were able to get a little painting done. In the afternoon, we gathered food together and boxed it up to be given to the community of Plan de Ayala. Also, the children chose one gift they had received to give to those in greater need than them. Then all the children, staff, and our team went and served. It truly was a beautiful sight to behold! The next day we had a church service, and we had a few of the people come from the “Dump.” And praise God, they decided to follow Jesus in that service! On a final note, we have had so many good things happen over the last several months that I want to update you guys on them: We hired a couple to be support staff for Luis and Lucy. This has been a MAJOR ANSWER TO PRAYER! Meet Joel, Isabel, Flor, and Samuel. We also tore down the old stairs and built a new staircase. Additionally:
Finally, we have received several new children in recent months as well. We are now up to 29 kids. Two or three will be there for only a short time, but as long as they are with us at Casa di mi Padre, they will have a safe and loving home.
We currently serve 110+ meals a day. This is the single greatest daily need that we have, and it is a constant 24/7, 365 days a year need. One of the first things Jesus noticed when a great crowd had gathered around Him was, “These people look hungry…” (My paraphrase). They were hungry, and Jesus fed them. All I’m asking is for you to give your loaves and fish and let the “Miracle Maker” do the rest. By faith this home was built, and by faith it is sustained, and by faith it is a light penetrating the darkness and breaking down the gates of hell. One last thought for you, our supporter... The above truth is for you and your family as well, and when that old liar comes mouthing off and tells you something different, you just start singing your adoption song and remember that you and I are His children living at home in the welfare of our Father‘s unlimited resources and his limitless generosity. Co-laborers’ in Christ, Terry Slack “Religion, that is pure and undefiled before God the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction and to keep oneself unstained from the world.” James 1:27 ESV Comments are closed.
David SlackWe are excited about all that God has planned for you, the children we care for and this ministry. We pray for you as our partners and believe that as you give you will have a continual harvest, and that all your needs will be generously and abundantly met. 3rd John 1:2 Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth. |